Hipnosis' Stuff

Hipnosis' Stuff

Time Gate Knight's Chase

SVGA Re-Release - DOS (1995)

                  > 0x77C16  90 90 90 90
                   > 0x77F6C  90 90 90 90

The game doesn't check for the CD, but rather for the files under the folder ANIM2D on it. If there's no drive present (failing the installation check made with MSCDEX), then it defaults to the A: drive letter, searching for the folder under this path.

The path string is written in the final read memory location from 3 different parts: the drive letter, the directory and the file name (those 2 can be seen in the executable as strings).

The writting of the path in memory is done in 3 secuential parts of code, which despite being separated, share the same logic:

0180:1C6020     31D2            XOR         EDX, EDX
0180:1C6022     8D442428        LEA         EAX, [ESP+0028]
0180:1C6026     268A13          MOV         DL, ES:[EBX]
0180:1C6029     FF542444        CALL        NEAR DWORD [ESP+0044]
0180:1C602D     43              INC         EBX

DOSBox Debugger disassembly extract.

  • EDX: Character to write
  • EBX: Pointer to character address
  • CALL: Write character on memory (0000:2121F0)

Due to this behaviour (thanks compiler?) is possible to modify each of these 3 parts independently. So we can NOP @0180:1C6029 to skip the drive letter processing. Then, if we modify the directory string on the data section of the executable from :\ANIM2D to .\ANIM2D, we can successfully make the final path of the file relative.